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13 Best Foods to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels for 2021

We need a healthy diet to stay healthy. We know that regular medication and exercise can lower blood glucose. But there are also various herbs, foods, and beverages around us that help control blood sugar levels.

13 Best Foods to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels for 2021

As well as changing different types of food without eating the same snack, different

Also stay active while doing activities is very important. Also, the 13 Best Foods to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels for 2021 mentioned below can help keep your blood sugar levels from rising.

So which of these foods are available in the market near you? You can include those foods in your diet plan. You may be able to prevent prematurely or type 2 diabetes by using foods, beverages, and spices in your diet.

Whole grains

Choose whole grains (such as millet or quinoa) over "white grains" when shopping or eating out. White grains include many carbohydrates and might induce blood sugar increases. 

Whole grains have more fiber, phytochemicals, and minerals, which can assist in controlling blood sugar levels.

Whole grains

The whole grain-eating improved insulin sensitivity, according to one study trusted Source. After ingestion, fasting insulin levels were 10% lower. 

The GI score of whole-grain bread is 51, and the GI score of whole-grain pasta is 42.


Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are essential components of a low blood sugar diet. 

They can help you enhance your insulin resistance. They can also improve satiety and have a beneficial effect on blood pressure and inflammation. Saturated fatty acids abound in avocados.


Avocados have been demonstrated in studies to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome. This is a group of risk factors that can make you more likely to get diabetes. It can also increase the risk of vascular diseases, such as heart disease and stroke.

Avocados have a low GI as well. Make Oh She Glow's natural, no sugar added raw avocado chocolate pudding for a novel, diabetes-friendly dessert.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which inhibits some gastrointestinal enzymes. According to one study, apple cider vinegar can help with insulin sensitivity after meals.

Apple cider vinegar

To prevent a blood sugar increase, mix 20 grams of apple cider vinegar with 40 grams of water before eating.


Protein aids in the body's maintenance and repair. Protein has no GI rating and will not boost blood sugar levels because it does not affect blood sugar levels. 

Protein also promotes satiety, so eating it instead of bread, rice, or pasta to feel full could be an excellent strategy to control your blood sugar.


Fish is a wonderful protein source. It's high in omega-III fatty acids and low in saturated fat.

  • Salmon is a good choice.
  • halibut
  • trout
  •  mackerel
  •  tuna albacore

Leafy greens

Fiber and minerals like magnesium and vitamin A are abundant in leafy greens. These nutrients can aid in the reduction of blood sugar levels. Leafy green vegs to include in your diet are:

  •  lettuce
  •  collards
  •  spinach\s
  •  Chard (Swiss)
  •  kale
  •  radishes, turnips, and turnip greens

Leafy greens

The consumption of two servings of leafy greens per day is linked to a 14 percent lower risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes.


Garlic has the potential to aid with blood sugar control. Garlic has been demonstrated to lower fasting blood glucose levels, including blood sugar levels when you haven't eaten. In other studies, The onion has a positive effect on blood sugar levels.


Garlic has no GI because it has no carbs and will not raise blood sugar levels. Try An Edible Mosaic's delectable garlic spread to add extra garlic to your meals. It can use in place of butter or salad dressing for up to a week.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are strong in fiber, good fats, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and antioxidants. High chia seed diets have been demonstrated in studies to help decrease LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds have a GI of 1 and can be used in a variety of recipes. In this pudding recipe from Little Broken, the gooey texture works well as a thickener (skip the maple syrup). Nutrition Stripped makes a low-carb pizza crust with chia seeds and cauliflower.


While all fruits can elevate blood sugar levels, some have a lower GI score, such as sour cherries. Anthocyanins are a substance found in sour cherries. Anthocyanins have been shown to protect against diabetes and obesity in animal studies.


If you like fruits, switch to sour cherries instead of bananas, pears, or apples. If you're looking for a dessert, avoid the peach cobbler and try I Breathe.

I'm Hungry's paleo, no-added-sugar cherry crisp instead. Use sour cherries instead of ordinary cherries, which have a moderate to high GI.


The sugar content of blackberries and blueberries is lower than that of other fruits. These berries contain the highest anthocyanin concentrations and are strong in fiber. 

Anthocyanins slow down digestion by inhibiting specific digestive enzymes. They also prevent blood sugar increases after starch-heavy meals.


According to one study, According to Trusted Source, adding blueberry bioactive (22.5 g) to smoothies enhanced insulin sensitivity in people who had diabetes.


Blueberries have a glycemic load of 5. This blueberry peach chia seed parfait will satisfy your sweet taste.


Cacao is the primary ingredient of chocolate spreads and confections such as cocoa butter and chocolate. It isn't delightful and unsweetened before confectioners add sugar, like black chocolate.


Antioxidants abound in cacao seeds. Epicatechin, a flavanol found in them, regulates glucose synthesis by activating critical proteins. Even in people who already have diabetes, it can assist in keeping blood sugar in check.

Replace the milk chocolate with dark chocolate containing 70% or more cacao. Cacao nibs can also be used as a topping for yogurt, smoothies, and desserts.


Almonds can help prevent diabetes by regulating and reducing blood sugar spikes after meals. 

According to one study, persons who ate 2 ounces of almonds each day had reduced fasting glucose and insulin levels. In another study, almond eating improves insulin sensitivity in persons with prediabetes.


Almonds have a GI of 0, according to experts. This is because the carbohydrate in almonds and other nuts is mostly fiber.

To make a healthy snack, toast almonds with cumin or try Eating Well's Chinese chicken noodle salad. You might use kelp (seaweed) or shirataki (yam) noodles in the noodle salad, as they are low in carbohydrates.

The GI of most nuts is low, ranging from 0 to 20. The cashew is the nut with the highest GI score (22). When you're hungry, reach for nuts like pistachios, walnuts, and macadamias instead of crackers and other snacks.


According to one study, increasing your coffee (caffeinated and decaffeinated) intake by one cup per day can reduce your risk of type II diabetes by more than 10%. 

But it's also important to consider what you put in your coffee. You should avoid excess sugar, milk, syrups in your coffee.



Avoid foods with a high GI score if you want to avoid diabetes and prediabetes through your diet. Reduce the number of total carbohydrates and sugar you consume as well. Low GI foods are those having a score of 55 or less.

Several apps make it easy to identify better food options. These apps can use to determine the carbohydrate and sugar content of foods. This can help you prevent sugar and carbohydrate spikes and ingestion.

If you're insulin resistant, the most important thing you can do is lose weight, exercise, and eat a well-balanced, whole-food diet. The long-term benefits of a balanced diet cannot be replaced by any single approach, food, or workout.


Eggs are one of those foods that has a negative reputation due to their high cholesterol content. Those with prediabetes, on the other hand, appear to be unaffected by eating eggs. 

Dietary cholesterol is also thought to be less essential, at least in people who do not have type 2 diabetes.


Eggs, like all pure protein foods, have a GI of zero. Eggs can also help you feel more satisfied and lessen cravings. 

However, what you put in eggs can negate their health benefits. Although it's ideal for eating eggs in moderation, hardboiled eggs can be a pleasant snack or quick meal. Also, see 10 Easy Tips to Reduce Obesity.

In short, it is best to check the amount of sugar in your body with a good doctor and take medicine prescribed by him. 

Only then will you be able to gather suggestions on a variety of foods that will benefit you. Also, see How to Get Fit Without Gym in 2021?

Thus, to reduce the sugar level in your body, you have to choose different foods and all kinds of beneficial or harmful foods in diabetes. You should gather information about it. 

So it's best to keep a list. This way, you can reduce the amount of sugar easily in your body by choosing the 13 Best Foods to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels for 2021 mentioned above.

Reeta Ishar

Hi friends! My name is Reeta. I am an MBA graduate, and I have been using Health Tips Circle since July 2021. Although I am entirely new to this blogging field, I want to take the Health Tips Circle to new heights. Based on my education and experience, I will try to spread the word about various subjects under health such as Health and Fitness, Lifestyle, Food and Drink, Yoga and Beauty related tips and trick, etc., through the platform Health Tips Circle. We hope you enjoy our articles as much as possible. Also, I would like to say that since I am new to this field, if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to send me. Thank you

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